Over the past one week, I have been having a sort of nervous tick, to cook and bake as much as I can. And there is absolutely no way, I can eat so much. So I did the most logical thing. Invited my friends over for a dinner.
I baked the desserts a day in advance. On the fateful day I made a rustic quiche lorraine served with a leafy green salad. Over all, this is what the menu looked like:
- Quiche Lorraine served with salad green
- Passionfruit Mousse cake
- Carrot cupcake
Yes, I know, my menu was more dessert heavy. However, the quiche is such a complete meal that it made no sense to have another entrée. So without making you guys wait anymore, let me explain how to go about making a foolproof Quiche.
What You Will Need:
For the quiche case: (makes 2 thin crusts)
For the quiche case: (makes 2 thin crusts)
250 grams of all purpose flour
125 grams of unsalted butter (cool, cut into cubes)
1 egg
1/2 tea spoon of salt.
For the quiche filling:
300 grams Bacon
1 clove of Garlic
50 gram Gouda
300 ml double Cream
3 Eggs well beaten
1/4 teaspoon ground Nutmeg
A pinch of dried Rosemary
A pinch of dried Dill
Salt and Pepper to taste
The Method:
For the crust:
Using this method, you avoid the dread of raising the temperature of the butter.
1. In a food processor, blitz all the ingredients for the dough together till it just begins to cling together.
2. Now transfer all the crumbly mixture into floured surface.
3. Work with a dough just enough to form two loose balls.
4. Cover with cling wrap. Chill in the refrigerator for 15 mins.
[At this point, you can store the dough up to a week while refrigerated. Just make sure to take it out 20 mins before you want to work with the dough.]
Assuming, you are proceeding right away,
5. After chilling the dough for 15 mins, you would want to put it back on a floured surface or cling film
6. Roll out the dough in a round shape, so that it is large enough to flank the sides of your pie dish.
7. Once rolled out, transfer the crust in a prepared pie pan.
8. Using a fork, pierce the base of the crust as shown in the image.
9. Now, setting the oven to 200 degrees, blind bake (without anything in it) the crust for 15 mins.
Again, you may choose to store the crust for later use from this point. It stores well in the freezer for 2 days. However, if you are making use of it right away, you need to follow the next steps.
For the filling:
1. On high heat, fry the garlic and the bacon. Once bacon is crispy and cooked through pour it into the case filling of your quichhe.
2. In the meanwhile, mix together all the other ingredients. Combine them well. Pour it on top of the quiche case. This should cover about 3/4th of the way of the quiche.
3. You can sprinkled some more grated cheese, coarse salt and pepper and fresh dill and rosemary at this point on top of the filling.
4. Allow the quiche to now bake for 45 mins at 200 degrees.
5. Your quiche is ready when only the center of the filling jiggles a little. Take care not to over-bake.
6. Serve it as is or pair it with a nice fresh, minty green salad. That would allow to cut back some of the richness of this great meal.